Late at night, when my soul is quiet
I sense his presence so strong and true
He stands before me, soul revived and strength replenished
Comforted by his meaningful smile, it gives me faith anew
When times were tough, he was at his best
Beneath his calm, the sheen of steel
A man of his word, no promise ever faltered
His character of honor, to each man he did reveal
He was a quiet hero, a man of subtle strength
Many ways a wonder, though perfect he was not
Always gracious and giving
Forever my flaws somehow forgot
His shining smile, his wit and wisdom
Become precious memories profound in my heart
Known to all and respected by many
His life a vivid painting, a masterful work of art
The land his passion, an unfathomable part of his life
A valued and precious gift, deemed worthy of respect
His love of the land was witnessed by all
My life it would affect
He was a giving man, always foremost to help
Giving to many, no need ever forsaken
All who knew him observed his giving
The talents he exhibited became his secret fortune
His departed family called to him, their voices sweet and assuring
Willing to embrace him in an angelic arm
Gently he waited, a last wish to be resolved
Knowing that his loves would be in grief, but suffer no more harm
His final days were difficult, his beloved family by his side
But, strength of spirit he did display
His thoughts were always of his family, never of himself
He left on his terms, onward to God on his mountain stairway
Now, he stands unassumingly before the Lord
Unabashed and unafraid, his duty deemed complete
Humility and humbleness were his gifts to us all
The Lord smiles on him now restored, his wings strong and replete
Michael Deskis