Allen Steble - (Who teaches the creatures)

2014-11-08 12

Who teaches-
the song bird to sing
its chirping song
of wonderful things
who teaches-
the mighty lion to roar
its proud dominance
as it rests on all fours

Who teaches the creatures-
their special abilities

Who teaches-
the earth worm to crawl
on its slimy stomach
as it burrows through the soil
who teaches-
the peregrine falcon to dive
as fast as a hurricane wind
as it soars through the skies

Who teaches the creatures-
their amazing talents

Who teaches-
the blue whale to echo
its voice across the ocean
in its private orchestral show
who teaches-
the arctic tern to migrate
across the span of earth
and reach the Antarctic plate
(it's truly amazing don't you think)

Who teaches the creatures-
their beautiful skills-
who teaches the creatures-

Allen Steble