It is said that you can only be a virgin once
I am not so sure.
For virginity may be more than physical
and may have to be measured
in emotional purity.
You can make a mistake
and squander that first time
with the wrong person
but does that mean that
virginity once squandered is lost forever?
I don't think so.
How many of us even
remember IT,
so tense that first-time experience?
Rather, I think
It like most things in life
relies on practice
to get it right.
Rather, I think that virginity can't be lost
on mere amateurs
who had no idea
of its' importance.
Rather, it depends on my frame of mind.
My virginity was not lost;
IT can only be given
and after several times
and after several mistakes
it is bestowed upon the one
I really loved.
and you know
I now know
the difference
because virginity
isn't given away
unless it releases
in the act
purity and true love.
Lonnie Hicks