This world we live in is an up hill struggle,
Everyday we live with our guilt,
Our heads full of anxiety,
All the time we have our own personal wars,
We pass many people on the street,
Not even to give them a thought,
Never to see them again,
Never to pass them again,
As we stand in the crowd full of people,
We stop to only notice,
That the world is passing by our very own eyes,
Faster than we can keep up,
We can not control much,
We can not make our own future,
We can not see what will happen next,
All we can do is hope,
All we can do is keep faith in what we believe in,
This is known as our own personal war,
If only something or someone could make it easier,
We have to fight for our own way in life,
But somehow someway you will find your way.
Maryam Khan