Bow low to your subjugation
Well! Think again
I expect to be fed, clothed
When thirsty watered well! !
I expect to voice my mind
UN -minced and open ness of heart!
Shall leave no stone unturned
If I set my mind to something!
Shall persist with persistence!
You may have to take a back seat
When my fires consume me to write!
For I intent to turn every page of life
Live it with gusto!
Turn a blind eye to injustice?
Well think again!
I may just but my nose into the issue!
Believe me
I may just speak my mind
Impervious of hearts on either side
Weigh the pros and cons!
Loud voice my justice
And point out loopholes
Also mincing not my words
Speak the truth I see
To all to hear!
Loud and clear!
Well think again;
You may fall out of love
Faster than you fell into it!
malini kadir