Bob Gotti - What Was Christmas For?

2014-11-08 4

What was Christmas truly for, as on the Season we close that door?
As a New Year for all starts, and the Christmas Season now departs.
Does the Christmas spirit depart, from each and every human heart?
As Christmas trim is tucked away, will the spirit in some hearts stay?

Was Christmas truly meant for this, for once a year to change gifts?
Especially within the hearts of us, who in The Savior place our trust?
Shouldn’t Christmas that we know, be His Light in us for all to show,
The Truth and life we have in Him, who came to dwell forever within?

Should not Christmas be a song, we sing in our hearts all year long?
As in our hearts we joyfully sing, to Jesus Christ, our Lord and King.
A song which should never leave, the heart of those who do believe,
Saved by Grace from this world, with that Christmas Song to herald.

A song we sing all year through, as The Spirit moves in me and you,
To be a light men need each day, not just thought of Christmas day,
Song and light, throughout the year, which every man needs to hear,
This, so men may see their need, that God’s message they will heed.

Some men desire Christmas in July, but, did you ever question why?
A time when gifts aren’t bought at all; could it be music to their soul?
Maybe the songs that they heard, moved their hearts to God’s Word,
With a message, when not ignored, could draw any soul to The Lord.

(Copyright ©12/2008)

Bob Gotti