Scarlett Treat - The Lonely House

2014-11-08 11

The house is empty now,
And lonely in its abandonment.
The family who used to be here,
The one who kept the house warm,
And lived in and loved,
Has gone far, far away.

Death has taken the grandparents,
The history keepers, the ones
With tales to tell of 'How it used to be, '
And 'When I was young! '
And anger and betrayal took the
Husband and the Wife, tearing
Then apart, no longer a couple.

And adulthood has moved the children
To the distant corners of the world,
No longer to be part of the laughter
Which kept the house alive and happy.
And their children no longer know about
The house where love lived,

And Christmas was a time of love and joy,
With popcorn and berries strung on a tree
Which the family went after all together.
Shiny tinsel no longer decorates the tree,
Flung there with childish abandon, and glee.

No wreath hangs on the empty doorway,
No mistletoe dances in the hallway,
Awaiting the loving couple who kissed
Underneath its swaying ball, and there are
No cookies and milk waiting Santa Claus.

So the house sits, waiting and abandoned,
As lonely as only an empty house can be,
Windows boarded over, doors locked,
Shutters closed, against the time when
It hopes someone will return again.

Scarlett Treat
December 24,2008

Scarlett Treat