Mamta Agarwal - # Games we Play...

2014-11-08 1

At a party,
She walked in late
Paused at the gate,

Casually draped
In a diaphanous
Wine coloured
Georgette sari,
Her attitude
Only accessorie…

She couldn’t care
Who stared…

Male of the species,
Instantly distracted
Dropped their animated
On the state of the economy,
Studying the anatomy…

Women watched
In indignation,
A wee bit envious,
A lot outraged,
By the devious game,
swearing must go

While men, pretending
To be oblivious,
walked bellgerantly
belly pulled in,
asked for whiskey
On the rocks,

While she, for effect
Pushed behind
Her locks…

Mamta Agarwal