lil island Gal - LOVE, LIFE, WHEN DID IT BEGIN....? ? ? ?

2014-11-08 0

Im a puzzle with missing pieces,
star without sky,
the angel without its wings,
a soul without a life,
a blade with a dull edge,
a poison without its death,
a sound with no one to hear it,
God without a spirit,

im the ocean without the water,
blood with no heart to pump it,
a street with no cars to exist,
a road without a destination,
living without any air to breathe,
love without its lover,

im a sense that is senseless,
a riddle that doesnt rhyme,
a criminal without a crime,
a clock without mechanics to keep time,
Gravity without anything to keep down,
im the beginning of this story im about to tell,
im at lost for words, or more like lost with no hope
to find a meaning for myself,
no hope to find the reason to live.
The reason to breathe.
The reason for me to believe.
My mind wonders on a lonely road.
The only road you are ready to cross.
The same road morbid souls seem to linger.
Its like ice was talking over me.
My mind in hibernation, a winter has frozen over
my body, within a world so bitter and so cold.
I ask the reader does this remind you of a
time you felt so alone.? ? ? ? ?
With no hope to move on with your life.
Your option is to wait for his warmth,
or make ends meet with a knife.
Either the sharp pain is from me finally
inserting the end of this object, or me
just realizing i have parish myself when there
was always hope…….

lil island Gal