Beautifully Unknown - My wish for you

2014-11-08 28

When they ask whats wrong, you simply smile and say nothing.
Who cares if you're lieing, its not like they're going to know. Right?
They never really ask after that because they believe you.
Not able to see through you mask.
So you simply go on with your life smiling and making jokes
So maybe they'll stop asking you questions
Besides they're all to blind to see the pain you hide.
But not me.
I see your pain every day I look in the mirror.
Our masks are different,
Yes this is true.
But only another masked soul can see right into you.
Knowing all the pain and suffering you try to hide.
Telling yourself the world will be fine if I died.
In all reality the world might be okay if you weren't around.
But what about your friends, your family, what about me?
I need you.
I know you may not think anyone does,
But I do.
I don't know where I'd be without you.
Someone who's not afraid to tell me whats on their mind,
Yet makes me laugh my ass off right afterwards.
If only I had one wish that would ever come true.
I pray it would be the wish
I wished for you.
To be truely happy.
For once no tears,
No fears,
Noting but joy.
So until that day comes...
I will pray the same prayer I do...
The one I pray for you each night
Before I fall to sleep
And maybe one day,
My wish for you will finally come true!

-Beautifully Uknown

Beautifully Unknown

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