My love so intense
like fragrant musk’s incense
permeate you
hypnotize you
anesthetize you
And you will shed tears of Joy.
My love so hot
like blazing sunspots
Would torment you
torture you
tantalize you
And you will shed tears of Joy.
My love so calm,
like soothing divine balm
Would comfort you
caress you
heal you
And you will shed tears of Joy.
My love so high
like majestic sky
Would shelter you
protect you
comfort you
And you will shed tears of Joy.
My love so forgiver
like pristine pure river
Would cleanse you
purify you
rectify you
And you will shed tears of Joy.
My love so divine
like Old bottled wine
Would energize you
galvanize you
divinize you
And you will shed tears of Joy.
My passion
emanating from divine station
would shock you
rock you
knock you
And you will shed tears of joy.
My emotions
healing as divine potion
would envelope you
embrace you
embarrass you
And you will shed tears of joy.
My divine eyes
calmer than sky
would chase you
daze you
amaze you
My Baby!
And you will shed tears of joy.