Lonnie Hicks - Angels and Birds

2014-11-08 5

Angels and birds fly
altitude I guess
provides perspective
from height where
we see
the Earth is just a blue ball
rotating in space,
with millions below
unaware of the
Dark Surround;
of Moons and Galaxies.
If we listen
we hear
and bliss
all in the cacophonous mix,
and it then seems
that Angel eyes and ears
see true perspective;
birds then
must be
our earthly angels on the wing.

They go south
and come North
having seen
much along the way;
they, too,
are lofted
by wings
and they are the closest
I guess
I will get
to heavenly things.

Here's to the Eagle
and the Sparrow
the Chickadee
the Cardinal
and the Crow
for they all soar
close to the Angels
and closer than we
to Heaven.

Lonnie Hicks
