jimmy manganda - Troubled Minds

2014-11-08 1

Troubled minds lead to troubled hearts and troubled lives,
So clear your mind and rewind and start from the top,
Choose your next words carefully as they decide the next few minutes, or hours or maybe even years

Troubled minds lead to fearful hearts and fearful steps,
Clear your path and follow your inner core, your Inner self,
Before you fight with your neighbour, fight with yourself,
Can I change this or should I accept it? Is what you should be asking

Troubled minds lead to tearful nights and uncertain decisions,
Me, myself and I is where it all starts, Love you before you can ‘Love thy neighbour’,
Remember, nobody knows you better than you, tell them who you really are

Troubled minds lead to closed gates to focus and determination,
The only two raw materials to success, in the real world at least,
Be on the constant lookout for a reason to smile and clear your mind

Troubled minds lead to blindness of the soul,
A blindness that can consequently miss everything good walking right in front of you,
Take control even at the worst of times, you are NOT in the worst situation, trust me on that

Troubled minds lead to unfruitful thinking, and unfruitful contemplating,
Life will push you just that extra bit harder to the ground,
That’s when you dust up and pat life on the shoulder and say ‘here I go again’,
Identify the ‘wrong’ from afar, that way you will always hold the ‘right’ next to you like a shadow,
Life will make sure get back up as hard you went down,
Clear your mind; clear your heart, clear soul, you deserve it

Jimmy Mang’anda

jimmy manganda
