Allen Steble - (Always for eachother)

2014-11-08 8

I can see you
you can see me
and what we see
is eachother

I can hear you
you can hear me
and what we hear
is ever so clear
we hear eachother

I can smell you
you can smell me
and what we smell
in a nutshell
is eachother

I can taste you
you can taste me
and what we taste
is oh so tasty
we taste eachother

I can feel you
you can feel me
and what we feel
is ever so real
we feel eachother

I think about you
you think about me
and what we think about
is the great times
we spend together

I love you
you love me
and what we love
and what we hold
is always eachother

Allen Steble