I've seen you smile,
I've seen you laugh,
I've seen you cry,
I've seen you angry,
I've seen you hurt,
I've seen you falling apart,
I've seen you shinning,
I've seen it all on your face,
And I've seen your hate against me,
I've seen how your words try to cover the hate in your eyes.
Everyone told me to be careful,
I've been adviced so much against you,
But I never did a thing I knew would hurt you,
Even though I regret that,
Maybe I should of hurt you,
Maybe I should of slapped you,
Maybe I should of messed around with you,
Like how you did with me,
But unfortunately,
My family raised me different than how yours did,
And I'm glad.
The world is coming to an end,
And your busy with drama.
I've tried my best,
But you gave me nothing in the end,
Yet I know I will see the reward soon,
Time shows the truth.
The world is coming to an end,
Maybe thats why im avoiding your drama,
And focusing on whats more important.
The world is coming to an end,
Maybe our friendship wasn't meant to last forever,
But deep down inside me,
My care for you would last forever.
Petra Soliman