Adeline Foster - ~HOME IS

2014-11-08 41

In all the lands I’ve traveled,
The places I have been,
Each man thinks his own land
Is the best he’s ever seen.

For the man born in the desert
Knows every grain of sand,
And acquaintance is the bond that ties
One’s heart to familiar land.

Or the man born to the mountain
Has climbed each rocky path;
No place on earth is dearer
Though velvet be its grass.

And the storms that rage a rocky coast
Are music to the ears
Of one who’s known their lonely cry
All through his youthful years.

I've known the joys of many lands,
No patriotism for me;
For earth belongs to God above,
And He sees not human boundary.

Although my heart may sympathize
With each man’s claim I meet,
Within my heart I realize
A lilt to my pilgrim feet.

For every man needs a place on earth
To call his very own,
And every person of whatever birth
Rejoices on the way back home.

Adeline Foster