So I said to him
'Why did you do it'
and he said 'because I wanted to.
'Did you' I said, 'think about others?
And he said 'yes? '
'Well then, ' I said
'why did you do it?
He said 'because I wanted to
and no one got hurt.
'Yes, ' I said 'this time
but what about next time?
'Well' he said 'no one got hurt
and I will be more careful next time.'
'How do I know there won't be a next time?
and he said
'because I promised'
'How do I know you won't break your promise?
'Well if it happens again
you'll know
I broke my promise.
If you find out I did it again
If you don't.. well...
he said.
Talking with a teenager
ends like that.
She said.
Lonnie Hicks