RIC S. BASTASA - all the while i want to see a brighter sun

2014-11-08 2

just like any other man
let me put it this way, we all want
to wake up one morning wanting to see
a brighter sun

a warm day, a bright morning
a gentle sunshine landing peacefully on our cheeks
our eyelashes waving a warm welcome too
our eyes glistening with hope
to the wings and songs of birds
perching and then flying away

just like all men we want peace and harmony
of leaves clinging like stalks on a bark
like vines steadily climbing on trunks

we want blue clouds well placed in the skies
and mountains settled in their proper places
and sea as vast and wide as our eyes can reach to see

yet like ordinary happenings these things are not really true
there are driftings, there are inevitable flows
going nowhere, and then gone, and then we sit idly
on the shore now anchored on the truth

we stare to a horizon. we expect nothing.

