So I sat on my bed
And the thoughts flooded my head
I wondered what I did wrong
That the boy I loved would not love me back....
Dad came in and sat beside me
Tears streaming down my face
I told him my story of rejection
Dad, its makes no sense
He pulled me in his arms
Held me close to his chest
and said 'my love, you are beautiful'
his voice the sweetest i have ever heard
reassuring, comforting, and I was secure
All in one moment I knew I was loved not on merrit
but by grace
By my father's word's i was restored
Made whole in 5 words and 1 action
Its a memory I shall never forget,
A memory that is living
everytime i feel crushed by this world
I think about my DAD and how he defined me that day,
Looking my worst, mascarra running down my cheeks,
My Dad's voice strengthed me, I knew I was loved! !
Thank you Dad, you are my hero, my best friend, my everything.
Thank you that you never left me alone! !
Melissa Desiree Reddy