malini kadir - HOPE

2014-11-08 10

Hope is that candle
That burns all negativity
Adds life to the sick
A sparkle to the eyes of the children
The special charm to the teenager
A life to the life of another
When with conviction
Hope is displayed
Like the God sent rainbow
Adding a sparkle to the environment
After torrents of dismal rain
It brings back smiles lost in despair
It mends broken spirits to welfare
It is a perpetual river
That has flowed for time immeasurable
Has been sent with purpose
To sow seeds in all mankind
To stick with resolution to selfless en devour
It is like a river
Carrying silt
From the banks on either side
It corrodes to fertilize
To even distribute impartial
Subject to changes of weather
It swells in rain
It over flows the banks
To bestow with gusto
It sometimes in excess
Creates irreparable damage
Sometimes it is mellow
Adding music to the heart
With moonlight reflecting its surface....

malini kadir

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