Omar Ali Sabar - Wanderlust

2014-11-08 30

When plundering hearts' desires
drown the reasoning mind
through marshland mires
that boat I'll find
Sail I shall to
the seas open arms
moonlight skies
and starlight charms
your breath in pulls
it into motion
a witness to
my hearts devotion
Will I reach that
realm oh so dreamed?
where you shalst be
crowned 'my queen'
Is there love
like this ever seen?
so clasped, so grasped
those unbreakable seams
two hearts joined with
the sounds of thunder
not even explosions
cleft them asunder
For I know
I will have found thee
by the light at the shoreline
I've longed to see

For someone very special, beyond the oceans, amongst the stars

Omar Ali Sabar