UMBELINA FROTA Linhares Pimenta Bastos - PLEASE

2014-11-08 14

Hold my hand,
Please, hold it,
I feel lonely, very lonely,
I want a friend hand, confident,
So that I can go ahead.
Hold me!
Hug me!
Sometimes I feel myself falling down,
Twisting with my solitude,
I shout, nobody answers,
Only the nigth, with its silence
And its darkness
Just a star shining,
As wanting to show,
The way to tread.
I walk lonely, as in the past,
Sobbing as always.
I feel cold in my soul,
Just a tear calm me down.
Lonely, very lonely! ...
My heart complains
Please! Listen to my scream!
Hold my hand,
Please, hold it! ...

Tradução – Nelson Francisco de Andrade

UMBELINA FROTA Linhares Pimenta Bastos