Dr Hitesh Sheth - Solomon's Wisdom

2014-11-08 9

Nothing is worthwhile or worthy to find;
Everything is futile, like chasing the wind.

The breathless sun chases the darkness since ages
The God hounds the wickedness with sages

The Birds chirp to awaken men from sleep;
Prophets descend to dislodge men's darkness deep.

The Rivers try to sweeten the salty seas;
Rain tries to satiate, earth's parched pleas.

Youth sprinkles with wrinkles in a wink;
Knowledge often ferries to a disaster's brink.

Woe! Here swiftest rarely wins the race;
Weaklings walkover with a beaming face.

The Godly dies young, leaving starving sons,
Lo! Liars live long, having endless fun.

Un tempting are my wives and virgins
Oh! Hopeless are my hope woven dreams

Happy are those, who have died and gone;
Blessed are souls that refused to be born

Verily, nothing is worthwhile or worthy to find;
Everything is futile, like chasing the wind.

Dr Hitesh Sheth


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