Linda Winchell - 'Always Have To Have The Last Word'

2014-11-08 4

You always seem to have to get the last word!
No matter what I might have said!
You need to for some reason pound
and drill your opinion into my head!

When just one word like, ' yes or no'
would be all one would seem to need!
But NO! YOU have to keep on making YOUR point!
with your crazy point, of a selfish verbal need!

Your not any fun anymore to talk with!
Just leave it go, for heaven's sake!
Don't keep bringing up another opinion
of that closing statement, I can't seem to make!

Just walk away, and let it go!
It doesn't mean that much if not heard!
But you always seem to want to make
to always have that final last word!

Linda Winchell

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