salu salu - Truth in its swing

2014-11-08 3

He despised me severely
it won’t affect me either, ‘coz sublime thoughts safeguard.
You’ll see him coming morrow apologetic
Men do anything they like – so vast and free the universe.
Rights n wrongs – constrained to conditions
You do your will, so do I.
May be you r wrong, or am I.

Who knows the truth, the ultimate one.
It hides n pokes n fools you ones.
Men in mystery muse and amuse
It’s a joker that puns on people at vigor

There r mountains between two visions
and barriers between spoken n heard
where words and vision fail
fight exists in convincing n survival
hail n rule power over the truth

Sun rises in east n sets in west
universe roll n roll an endless game
quite bored of things
‘will pack up all one day.

I am at chase to know more n more.
The other day I fell hard and hurt slightly
Sportsman spirit leads me seeking you
yonder and farther…. at the farthest….


salu salu