Angel Fury - Breaking an Angels heart

2014-11-08 6

Whenever you break an angels heart,
It bleeds with dark red blood,
Whenever you lie or cheat or steal,
Heaven is usually a flood.

When you break an Angels heart,
They don't just bleed dry,
They lose their hopes, dreams, and wings,
And fall down from the sky.

The angel falls down very far,
Goes through the ground and all,
Until they end up in a fiery place,
Were no hopes or dreams can call.

The angel tries to break free,
Of satin's horrible grasp,
Satin reaches for the angel's throat,
He got ahold as she gaspes.

The angel is now trapped in hell,
And you now feel apart,
Because whenever you lie, cheat or steal,
You break your angels heart.

Angel Fury