Linda Winchell - 'All The Poems I Read'

2014-11-08 6

I read so many other poet's poems
one seems better than the last!
Of love and pain, joy and sorrow
ones furture and that of the past.

Of a guy named, ' Frosty Snowman'
and Santa Clause and such.
I never get bored of all I read
I just can't seem to get enough!

I've read were someone was down and out
and another of sand castles that they'd made.
Where do poets get all of their poems?
How are they all being poetically made?

Then there are friends I've made on this site
David, Marilyn, Trade and Lorraine!
I read some of what they've written each week
and I think their all quite like me, INSANE!

I guess that's were the ideas come from?
Deep inside our minds that's touched?
I sure hope it will always continue to flow
for I love their poems and them so much!

Linda Winchell