Sunrise, Sunset,
Warm night, regrets.
Summer night dream,
What dream may come?
Life, lies, crime,
live your life the same.
Your destiny will prevail,
From nowhere a distant smile.
Lost love, lost war, life in slow motions,
Lust, attractions, deep night of passion.
Still your destiny will prevail,
From nowhere a distant smile.
Togheter, two soul in this dull begin,
fire on us, but in this holy night will win.
but still your destiny will prevail,
From nowhere a distant smile.
The deep blue see on this horizon,
Will bring to us high terrifying tides,
I can see on the way the perfect wave to ride,
I can see come to us, is a bit far, maybe just a mile,
And from nowhere will appear a distant smile.
Gianni Pintus