Mamta Agarwal - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A wake up call! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

2014-11-08 3

Has our planet ever charged rent for living on it?
It shared its bounty, though some rules were implicit
How could we be so short-sighted and full of greed.
We may have to pay a price for this, God forbid.

Recklessness propelled us to break all the laws
And make plans in the name of progress full of flaws.
Now we have to face the inevitable consequences
Are floods, hurricanes nature’s way of taking vengeance?

Plants, animals and birds are completely confused,
They used to instinctively follow nature’s cues.
Sombrely, new inquiry commissions are being set
To examine global warming and the environment.

How does one go about checking pollution?
Take steps to damage control and find a solution?
You ought to be filled with remorse and penitence
Safe planet was coming generations’ inheritance.

its our reponsibility is to be a good ancestor, 'said John Salk.
but who cares we have got used to tight rope walk.
Our callousness and unmindfulness had no end.
What will we tell our children in our defence?

What will you say when your children accuse you.
Can you look them in the eye and say anything on the issue?
There is still time to deal with the looming crisis.
If we seriously want to avoid meeting our nemesis.

Is it true, sins of the parents fall on the children?
There is no time to waste answering this question…
let's take a pledge today to save our planet.
There is no more time to be really compacent.

John Salk was the person who invented polio vaccine

Revised 5.06.09

Mamta Agarwal

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