Dr Kamran Haider Bukhari - November

2014-11-08 25

Fallen leaves have been crushed
Dried and amalgamated
With the dust
Of barren soils

Sunken hearts have been stripped
Cracked and defeated
With the lust
Of alluring beauties

Shrunken minds have been putrefied
Abandoned and replaced
With the bust
Of convulsive impulses

This November
The faith has to be revolutionized
The fate must be renovated
The fallen got to be resurrected
From the mist of dusky dawns

This November
The heart aches for more blood
The mind craves for more thought
The soul begs for more piety
And a human cries for lost identity

The month of my fall
From divinity to humanity
Would be the month of my rise
From humanity to divinity

Nov 03,2008

Dr Kamran Haider Bukhari


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