RIC S. BASTASA - all things being constant

2014-11-08 0

all things being constant,
there will still be hope.

or even just you, since i
have changed and swerved
on another curve
without you.

you being constant
and i coming back, carrying with

a handful of 'i am sorry'
' i will be good this time'
'forgive me'

and i kneel before your feet

with you being constant
as the star of this house,

this shattered home,
these broken window glasses
and dirtied carpets

and muddy floors because
my shoes brought them in,

with you being constant,
like mother,

i too, can be, myself again,
i, too, can say,

damn, i am lucky, to have
mother in you,
damn, i am lucky,
like daddy.

i am really sorry.

