norman hale - Casting Spells

2014-11-08 26

I know two sisters who are witches
Who are always casting spells
But every spell they ever try
let's just say things don't go so well

Just for the sake of things
Let's just call them barb and hope
But when it comes to their spells
They are a regular couple of dopes

They cook up toads and bats and such
All thrown in this great big pot
Cackling as they are stirring
Giving another spell a shot

They wear those old pointy hats
And are as ugly as can be
And when they try to sing
Man, are they way off key

Now those two witches you see
Have fungus growing out of their ears
And those warts on their noses
Just get bigger each and every year

Yes when it comes to casting spells
Let's just say they don't get it right
For then we might all be in trouble
So watch out come halloween night

wrote 10/28/2008 by Norman Hale Jr.

norman hale