When troubles come in our way
We feel very down, blue and grey
And think God wants to keep us away
That is why he is sending trouble's today
But this is not right and one more thing
we usually forget that is life's ring
Happiness is only the interval between
The phases of troubles that're extreme
So in such a time we must not cry
And bravely should face and try
To overcome our pains with smiles
And hold strongly this bar for a while
Because God knows we are his own
So all our agonies to him are known
He just tests us for a little while
Then reward us in his own style
And we must always keep in mind
That God who is caring and kind
Put us in test to give his reward
Because he is our generous God
So we must not mope in a time like this
Or else this gold opportunity will be missed
When we can talk with God in prayers
And he bestow his blessings to show his care
Because god wants us to search the code
A code that cn lead us to the happiness road
Where we can overcome our pain with smile
And hold strongly trouble's bar for a while
So when trouble comes in our way
We shouldn't feel down, blue or gray
And should know that God will give us reward
Because he is our generous God.
Seema Chowdhury