Fay Slimm - Being Awakened.

2014-11-08 0

Heavy with deepest deep sleep
He feels the layers begin to unzip
And strip off, one by awakening one.
Aware now of the movements of feet
In an unwary way, he starts a hazy
Ascent, driven mistily upward towards
Light of day, but sleep wants to stay.

Bleary eyed, he knows he is
Leaving dreams half done, and
Mistily wonders what battle he'd won
As he stood, naked and red in the sun.

Body departing now from sphere of
Virtual reality, he awakes to the
Utter confusion of real, with wavering
Limbs now still, he unwillingly opens
Sleep-heavy lids, to see standing
Before him, in night-attired row
His wonderful wide-eyed kids, who
Wobbling beween them an over-filled
Breakfast tray, and all in accord,
Shouting a loud 'Happy Father's Day'
Just as they'd previously planned.

But they'd watched an amazing often unseen
Act of miraculous awakening from coffin
Of sleep, albeit wrought without tact.
Dreams now gone, he joins the fun and laughs.

Fay Slimm
