Deependra Kumar Jha - A confession

2014-11-08 14

I always had a feeling
that I gave you my entire life
'I' worked hard,
'I' suffered,
& 'I' sacrificed
Though, it was nothing more than my arrogance,
you always agreed to my baseless arguments
and always accepted the myth
Now, at a tired, spiritless stage of life
I sit back & think,
Did I ever care for your feelings?

At times, when you really needed
I went away from you
In search of my 'own' space
and a name for myself
I always tried to justify it
I kept on chasing 'my' ambitions
but, I tried to convince you,
as if they were 'our' dreams

'our' dreams? I doubt it
They could not be our dreams, yet
you prayed for a sun-shine every morning
Now, I have no hesitation in confessing
that you are the star of my sky
who always carried my burdens,
without expecting any appreciation
burdens of my unrealized dreams

I don't know how often I broke your heart
yet you stood by me
willing to accept all the hassles, gracefully
How can I ever thank you,
for coming into my life?
and giving a meaning to my life
Even now,
when I regret my past
You teach me,
to cherish everyday as last day of life
I fear of that 'last' day
because, I hate to say good-bye
When the end comes for me,
I wish you to hold me in your embrace
As you have hold me over the years
I can apologize for all the moments in past,
when I failed to say 'I love you'
and make a promise to rectify them,
if given a 'next' life!

Deependra Kumar Jha