Linda Winchell - 'Confusing Faith'

2014-11-08 0

If ones faith comes by hearing
and hearing it, comes by faith.
Is it like that age old question asked?
'what came first, the chicken or the egg? '

Some times I find it all a bit confussing
all those, thees, and thous and thus!
I sometimes think I've got it, and then I think I've not!

It is all in mans interpretation
that one reads in the text.
I will interopertate what I can of it
then go somewhere and study to get the rest.

Guess God knew what He was doing
when He wrote the story of.
How the earth was formed by God and all His love.

I think He doesn't really mind
if I seek the answers questioned.
It is just God's school of learning
and another one of His life's Holy lessons.

Linda Winchell

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