Linda Winchell - ' If I Could Live to A Hundred Years'

2014-11-08 30

If I could live to be a hundred years
Or maybe two hundred more.
Would I have accomplished... all I really wanted too?
Than I have maybe... in all of my eighty-four?

Does one need to have all that time?
To make their mark upon this earth?
For I've known some that have only lived shorter lives
and some that have died...soon after birth.

Were their lives no more of a blessing?
For all of whom they had touched.
And did they not accomplish their on earth?
Was it more of time... that would have mattered
or done that much?

We are all given.... a certain amount of time
I know this... from what I've seen in the past.
For no matter how much you want another to live
We each have our time on earth...and then we pass.

Be grateful for whatever...amount of life’s time you have
For ONE is will ever be granted.
Like the flowers that bloom in the soil...they too
Are only given an amount of life...that which God has planted.

Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

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