Theresa Ann Moore - Fading into Numbers

2014-11-08 1

Yesterday’s news
Is a blur to me
Because you see
I did not read…
I was too busy

Too busy with my own
Dilemmas to speculate
Too busy to contemplate
All the events of late…
Fretful of fate

Avoiding backward glances
Afraid of succumbing
To the gloom that is coming
Reeling with speed…running
Leery of promises from the cunning

Days unload fading numbers
Words have dried into dreary doubt
The news turns and twists about
Trusting people now angrily shout
Speculators wearily sink and pout

Today it is clear
That the future is taking a turn
No longer on a climb…what is learned?
Spending more than what is earned
Leads to a crash and burn…


Theresa Ann Moore