I believe there has been a misunderstanding.
No one yet has been talking about taking your wealth...
And giving that to someone else.
Those are fear tactics over used!
What is going to come to end,
Is the redballing you began.
The racial profiling done!
And the nepotism with blatant thief...
You must agree had begun with exuberance and glee!
These issues will be addressed!
And the playing field will be cleared...
Offering a wider appeal with equal access.
And methods of obtaining wealth now condoned,
By illegal means as accustomed...
Will come to an end!
You alone and those you name and have known,
Are not solely entitled to the Earth's resources!
On your mark!
Get set...
'That is totally unfair!
We have never been a people,
Good at 'Track and Field'.
Lawrence S. Pertillar