Francis Duggan - Suppose Bullies Will Always Be Bullies

2014-11-08 5

Suppose bullies will always be bullies they were bullies as schoolgirl or schoolboy
The idea of having power over others is something they seem to enjoy
Few school bullies grow into nice people since that is not their natural way
Few of them becoming loving and caring old habits die hard as some say
The leopard never does change it's spots and old habits known to die hard
The bullies of the office and workplace were the young bullies of the school-yard
Few bullies grow kind as they grow older the cruel streak in them does remain
They find pleasure in inflicting upon others mental or physical pain
Suppose bullies will always be bullies they grow older but they don't grow wise
Their bullying it becomes more latent as their cruelness they try to disguise
Kind and gentle people have always been that way a bully could never be kind
In the past of every workplace bully a schoolyard bully you will find
Suppose bullies will always be bullies or at least that's how it does appear
But bigger fools indeed they must be to think they can win respect through fear.

Francis Duggan

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