Ahmad Shiddiqi - A Blissful Wish

2014-11-08 21

(dedicated to Mr. Thomas Adès, a great conductor and composer)

What make you
So sad and pale
My little fellow?

What make you
So strange and empty
My little fellow?

What make you
So static and fear
My little dear?

What make you
So anguish and lonely
My little dear?

Do you have
Just a little wish
To share with us?

Do you have
Just a mere wish
To tell to us?

Do you have
Just a last wish
To spend with us?

Do you have
Just a common wish
To give to us?

O unique Cordoba!
Let my little fellow
Spread a wish

O bright London!
Let my little fellow
Speak a wish

O beautiful Medina!
Let my little dear
Whisper a wish

O nicely Tokyo!
Let my little dear
Make a wish

A blissful wish
For the humanity
To share love

A blissful wish
For the world
To tell the truth

A blissful wish
For the children
To spend comfortable time

A blissful wish
For the justice
To give peace

O fellow sons!
Spread your unique charms
To all corners of the globe

O fellow daughters!
Speak your words brightly
To all hearts of men

O dear brothers!
Whisper your lovely verses
To all souls of nature

O dear sisters!
Make your nicely gifts
To all feelings of civilization

(inspired by Sir Edward Elgar’s The Sanguine Fan)

Ahmad Shiddiqi
