Rudy Hossam - A Complicated Feeling...

2014-11-08 13

I said I'll write...
And for the first time...
I couldn't think of words to say...
I couldn't find something to help...

I felt a feeling...
I couldn't express...
It hurts...but it's great...
It's painful...but it's worth it...

Every word I think of...
Just about to put it down...
It's total opposite...
Comes by my mind....
I find it also fit to use...

The feeling is complicated...
More than I thought...

I feel alone...though accompanied...
I feel accompanied...though alone...

It makes me cry...but I know I'm glad...
It makes me laugh...but I know I'm sad...

It makes me strong...when actually I'm weak...
It makes me weak...when actually I'm strong...

I feel my heart bleeding from no wound...
I feel my heart dancing from a great cut...

I know you think I'm crazy....
And here is another thing...I'M NOT...

If I were crazy...I wouldn't mind...
At lest I'd know...why I feel so UNKNOWN...

Rudy Hossam