David Harris - A Real Friend

2014-11-08 0

There are times when all of us
have that empty feeling in our heart.
We are not sure which way to turn
and our life seems so burnt out.
As we look all around,
those who said they were friends
have evaporated, disappeared and are gone.
We seem to have nothing to hold onto anymore.
The pit in which we’ve fallen
get deeper with every day,
there is no handholds
to grab onto anywhere.
Our life seems to be passing away,
then within the gloom and sadness
two strong arms reach out,
they grab us and slowly begin to lift us out.
When we are finally free
we want to thank this friend,
but they want no thanks at all.
Only that you be there for them
whenever they might fall.
They simply reply that real friends
are always there for you,
twenty-four seven everyday
in hope that you will be there
for them in the same way.

16 September 2008

David Harris
