Sadiqullah Khan - Balcony II

2014-11-08 0

I have put
Words on fire
For you my love
The blood of my heart
I did eat

Poured have I
Wine of the masters
Secret locks of the tavern
I broke open

From the book old
All recipes of love
The dust in the street
The night’s vigil
But you whispered not
That word of love

Of the east and west
The ancients and the new
I sighed when I threw
My luggage
That I did not ever open

And when I looked
In the depth of my heart
A voice spoke
O lover
Burneth not
Your words so intense

Love is a feeling
Wait for the moment
When she would choose you
From amongst the crowd

The crown of love
On thy head she will place
O patience of the day
Longeth though thou art

Consolation is it to my heart
When thou appear
On that balcony of love
From behind the curtain

Sadiqullah Khan