Niken Kusuma Wardani - Love

2014-11-08 1

I was trained to thrilled my destiny and deal with you
Not like many figures who has cursed or blessed
You never be my friend nor stay against me

I know where you live but too proud to visit
Since I saw much river of tears headed in
And I don’t even have a dropp to share you

What if we met, an encounter of necessity?
Or a full bliss of ignorance from our side
None of us like to read what lies on the line

I would take a picture of you to compensate the time
And you will recall a drift of my attendance
We work our space to have an even grip of fate

Like a castle build in miss-trust
We fail to persuade the faith and hope to paint it
Each of us pursue the selfish expectation

To us, that’s the best bid ever
Connect and ruin once in a row
As we both have to finish the game with smile

I passed your enchanting shadow
Reflect a story of us and the whole chapter of life
Then the bell rang to regain the lost memory

Noone could fathomed your thought
Like I hardly recognize your code
Which kept in a cryptic box of fame

Anyway, Love…

I was trained to thrilled my destiny and deal with you
Not like many figures who has cursed or blessed
You never be my friend nor stay against me

Niken Kusuma Wardani