Adeline Foster - SKID MARKS

2014-11-08 23

Someone is crying this morning,
Someone is weeping in pain,
Someone is wishing they had it
To do all over again.

The dark rubber burns on the pavement,
The splatter of glass on the road,
Are indications that someone
Had on too much of a load.

The screech of the tires in the moonlight,
A split second etched on the brain,
A nightmare flash to be relived
Over and over again.

Someone is making excuses,
Bragging to cover the shame,
Deceived by a cup with a promise
That it wouldn't happen to him.

Revelers sit up and take warning.
Calamity is never planned.
Hope is a foolish taskmaster
When holding a drink in its hand.

*Written June 3,1984.
Perhaps a reader may recognize the
scene which inspired this poem.

Adeline Foster