Dr subhendu kar - )))))))))))))) WORLD LOST INTO CROWD (((((((((((((((

2014-11-08 0

Oh dear friend wait a bit onto the dusk
Life has never forsaken your dream
sun stoops over heads bristling warmth
earth is least hurried high by your desire

passage plexus waits as long as you wish
time never debars you to sprinkle your beams
fact is the reality as truth embraces the hope
passion is never be enticed upon by clouds

rain descends by crooning of clouds dark
heart yet betides by the slake of the tunes
as beauty of love makes me apart by the blow
did I not follow you until moon comes?

i do remember amber glow by novels of night
as speckles of whisper wakes me up again
I look through window asking for the love
where is world lost into crowd of unknowns

Dr subhendu kar
