I don't know why I fail to sleep at nights
I don't know what's going through my mind
I don't know why the sky appears so gloomy
I don't know what exactly I am unable to find
I don't know why life with you was such a pleasure
I don't know if I can ever touch you again
I don't know why you are not around to show me the way
I don't know if my life can ever be the same again
I don't know why they look at me so strangely
I don't know if I am doing something wrong
I don't know why it looks like a dead-end
I don't know if I will ever cheer for a song
I don't know why the truth became myth overnight
I don't know if I can ever neglect your presence
I don't know why I can't show my tears to anyone
I don't know if my life can 'go-on' in your absence
but what I know is,
that the life can never be standstill
& that an angel sleeps beside me every night
& due to that the sun shines every morning
& that your memories will always be with me
Memories never die...
Deependra Kumar Jha