My boyfriend went and dumped me
The rat-face that he is
No ifs or buts no long goodbye
Just left me in a tizz
Oh I know the sort of thing he’ll say
The rubbish we all hear
“It isn't you that caused the split
It’s me please have no fear”
Of course he wont say what he means
The actual reason why!
He thinks by talking out his bum
He won’t cause me to cry
But cry I will most every day
Because that’s what we all do
It’s not as if the rat was cool
Friends he had but few
I cry because he broke my heart
And that takes time to heal
I won’t miss him forever though
The wound will slowly seal
And when it does off I’ll go
And find another man
A man that treats me with respect
And loves me all he can
So just for now I‘ll take it slow
And let my confidence rise
I have to think that men are rats
Until proved otherwise.
And the main thing to remember here
And never wax and wane
Once your heart is broken
It will never be the same
But just look out and watch me close
Cause I’m now a different girl
I will never date a swine again
Cause I’m a shining pearl
jack frost