Lonnie Hicks - Culture Flowers

2014-11-08 0

We’re all lashed
to Cultural Helms
ingrained eyes
narrowed to squinty plane
not seeing
only mine;
and not mine

Culture is the Gardener's Death
who’s kind to only one flower;
other's bloom in the garden darkened
by blindness over-powered.

Strain some may
against the mast
yet they most times
cultivate only their own gardens;
time and the past
cause other flowers
to bloom and wither
before our very countenance.

Tempted we may be
by soul's desire
to look beyond the garden walls:
But few cannot,
but lift the spade
and plow the same furrows,
which etch our brow
contain our lives
until our death
we having known
only one garden flower:
grown beautifully
in straight
and narrow furrows.

A few sometimes
smell other blooms
thereby open up
which is
being willing
to sip and know
Not Like We-Ness.

Lonnie Hicks
